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zen coding plugin for notepad++ download

Zen Coding

zen coding plugin for notepad++ download

Zen Coding, now called Emmet, is a plugin for text editors that allows developers to write HTML and CSS code quickly and efficiently. The plugin works by allowing developers to write code using shorthand syntax and then expand it into full HTML or CSS code.

Here are some key features of the Zen Coding plugin:

Shorthand syntax: Zen Coding allows developers to write HTML and CSS code using shorthand syntax. For example, instead of typing <div class="container">, a developer can type div.container and then expand it into the full HTML code using the plugin.

Abbreviations: Zen Coding allows developers to use abbreviations to quickly write code. For example, a developer can type ul>li*5 and then expand it into a list with five items.

CSS support: Zen Coding also supports shorthand syntax for writing CSS code. For example, instead of typing margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;, a developer can type margin: 0 10px; and then expand it into the full CSS code.

Customizability: Zen Coding allows developers to customize the plugin to suit their needs. Developers can create their own abbreviations and expanders, and they can also customize the behavior of the plugin.

Support for multiple text editors: Zen Coding is available as a plugin for several popular text editors, including Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, and Atom.

Overall, the Zen Coding plugin is a powerful tool for developers who need to write HTML and CSS code quickly and efficiently. Its shorthand syntax and support for abbreviations and CSS make it a popular choice for developers who want to speed up their coding process.

zen coding plugin for notepad++ download from below link:

Download (from link-1)


Download (from link-2)


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